LDC leadership

The Initiative is initiated, owned and driven by LDCs. It is designed to provide a unique platform for LDCs to affirm their priorities and visions, and direct non-LDC partners to support these visions.


Countries are sovereign in their choices and decisions. Recognizing that each country is unique, the LDC REEEI shall support different technologies and implementation models that are appropriate to the country context.

LDC solidarity and cooperation

The LDC REEEI is about LDCs supporting each other. Pioneering LDCs shall support other LDCs and foster cooperation rather than competition. The Initiative will also work towards reducing LDCs dependency by promoting cooperation with a wide range of partners.

Equity at heart

The Initiative is firmly grounded in the principle of equity at all levels. This includes the principle of ‘common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities’ at the international level, equity between LDCs, gender equity, and protect the rights of marginalized groups and indigenous peoples.

Bottom-up, smart, distributed energy systems

The Initiative shall actively promote smart, distributed and people-centered systems; and the application of innovative technologies that are appropriate for, and empower, communities.

Meet the needs of local productive sectors

The LDC REEEI will work towards ensuring energy systems cater to the needs of smallholding farms and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises; sectors that constitute the backbone of LDC societies and are essential for promoting local economies.

Diversified ownership towards people- and community-centered energy systems

By empowering citizens, communities, cooperatives, public institutions, and private entities to become power producers, the Initiative shall enhance energy democracy, local economic development and resilience.

Participation and multi-stakeholder engagement

The Initiative shall promote and facilitate the genuine involvement of local governments, citizens, communities, civil society, academia, private firms and media in the energy transition. New ways to foster engagement in decision making processes and search for solutions shall be continuously explored and refined.

South-South and North-South cooperation

While the LDC REEEI is driven by LDCs, it is also a collaborative endeavor, and thus will stimulate partnerships with non-LDC countries and relevant institutions in the global North and South

Explicit efforts to transition to zero-carbon societies

The Initiative was conceived and originates in the context of the international climate negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. While the Initiative goals, objectives and work areas are framed from an energy and development perspective, the climate dimension is an equally important motivation.