
News | 28 August 2024

LDC REEEI Front-runner country meeting, Malawi, 23-25 August 2024

An in-person meeting of LDC REEEI Front-runner countries were held in Lilongwe Malawi on 23- 25 August 2025.

The meeting gathered delegates from 6 of the 7 current Front-runner countries (Malawi, Nepal, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Timor-Leste, Tuvalu and Uganda) for intensive and rich discussions and deliberations.

The meeting was a working meeting, with an emphasis on cross-country sharing of both success stories, barriers and challenges around the transition to renewable energy societies.

Sessions also included deep dives into thematic topics such as 100% renewable energy modelling (showing how such ambitious scenarios are indeed both achievable and the most affordable over time), the need to put youth and gender at the core of the energy transition, renewable energy as a key feature of just transition driven by South-South cooperation, and electrification of cooking in an LDC context.

The meeting resulted in strong commitments by participants to support each other as Front-runner countries and to work jointly for the benefits of all LDCs using the LDC REEEI framework as a unique platform.

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